I have been a bad rambling writer

Ok, so I haven’t posted to this blog since May 6, 2014. Why, you may ask? I don’t really know. Maybe life (work, work & work) got in the way of it. But at this moment, I decree “no longer will life stop me from posting here.”

A few updates for this short entry:
1. I have finished my first novel, “The Blood Rock Prophecy: Awakening” (Yippee!!!). It does need a few tweaks here and there, but who and what doesn’t.
2. Now that I’ve finished, I am looking for an agent or publisher to share my story to the world at large. All my fingers and toes are crossed. I’ve sent out over 20 query letters and gotten 5 rejections so far, but I won’t give up that easily, despite the major suck factor of getting “rejected”.
3. I’ve already started on the sequel to my first novel, titled “The Blood Rock Prophecy: Origins”.
4. Again, I promise to post much more frequently here!

Happy Holidays to everyone! Enjoy this time with your friends and family 🙂

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